Drum & Beer #3 is on !

The date is set for our next Drum & Beer event : 12 March 2022

Write it down in your agenda !

It will take place at l’Excelsior in Jette, will start at 6 pm and will end as late as the regulations allow us to go. If nothing changes until then, it will end at 11 pm. If rules are relaxed, it might go as late as 3 am.

First post ever !

So, after having already organized two parties, the first at “Au Suisse” and the second one at “L’Excelsior”, our website is finally good enough to show you !

We hope you will find it useful and informative ; the design still clearly needs some help ; so if you’re experienced at WordPress and want to help us, don’t hesitate to contact us !

We have created an Events page where you can check out all of our past, present and future events. There’s the About page, the Contact page. You can see all the locations we have already been to.

Don’t forget to go see our Facebook page too, it’s where it all started !