Drum & Beer #25 : Liquid Night
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) Here comes our twentyfifth edition, and it's gonna be special: a Liquid Night for Valentine's day 👩❤️💋👨 We [...]

Drum & Beer #24 : Jungle Night
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) For our twentyfourth party we're going back to l'Excelsior with a jungle night 🌴 Because we deeply love [...]

Drum & Beer #23: Liquid Vibes @ Excelsior
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) Our twentythird party is up at l'Excelsior 🥳 We're inviting two DJs from Flanders who specialize in the [...]

Drum & Beer #21 @Zennebar
Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir une nouvelle fois des membres du collectif Drum & Beer pour une soirée sous le signe de la Drum'n'Bass 💃🕺 [...]

Drum & Beer #20 : Ladies Night
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) It's already our twentieth edition, and we planned something special for you: a Ladies Night 👀 We've [...]

Drum & Beer invites Beer & Bass
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) Our nineteenth party is up at l'Excelsior ! This time we're inviting the Beer & Bass team from [...]

Drum & Beer #18
We are pleased to welcome members of the DRUM & BEER collective for an evening dedicated to Drum'n'Bass. On the menu, you will find SYNS [...]

Drum & Beer #17 : Liquid 2 Neuro
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) For our seventeenth edition we're going from light to dark, starting with sunny liquid vibes and ending with [...]

Drum & Beer #16 : Back 2 Our Roots
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) For our sixteenth edition, we go back to our original location; L'Excelsior ! Welcome to Drum & [...]

Drum & Beer #15 - Deep 2 Neuro
(Version Française ci-dessous / Nederlandse versie hieronder) For our fifteenth edition, we go to the darker side of drum & bass : it's Deep 2 [...]
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